

What is included?

Uganda or Zanzibar

USD 3500

Price covers a 4-week placement

Additional weeks: USD 700 per extra week.

Hospital Internship
Preparation Guide
Spare time activities
Framework of support


The total cost of the hospital internship is covered in the price

This involves shadowing hospital staff who will both teach and serve as your mentor during their daily duties at the hospital. The internship runs from Monday to Friday. Depending on your chosen internship program upon applying, you will rotate through different departments each week of your placement, providing you with a broad overview of what work within the field you are pursuing can entail.

In addition to the internship, a weekly afternoon teaching session is conducted to enhance your understanding of common diseases and procedures at the hospital.

Preparation Guide

We provide comprehensive guidance for all the necessary preparations for your journey.

Upon enrollment, you'll receive a preparation guide with details on flights, travel insurance, visa, packing lists, and more. We'll also communicate with you to ensure everything is in order before departure.

At the same time, you'll receive an invitation to a Facebook group dedicated to your chosen placement period, allowing you to connect and communicate with other participants in your placement. The group also acts as a platform for us to share additional information.

Approximately a month before your placement starts, we will invite everyone to a pre-placement online meeting to address any remaining questions before departure.


Upon landing at the airport for your chosen destination, you will be welcomed by us and safely driven to the Try Medics house, where you will stay with the rest of your group.

Throughout the days of your stay, our dedicated drivers will handle daily transportation to and from the internship site, as well as for the various scheduled spare time activities.


You will reside in the Try Medics' house at your selected destination with the rest of the participants who have chosen the same placement period as you.

Typically, participants in our program are aged between 18-24 coming from various countries around the world. We find that a strong bond quickly forms among participants, enjoying the experience of living with other young individuals with a common interest in the field of healthcare.

Commonly each placement consists of 16-25 participants.

Our houses offer excellent facilities for you and fellow participants, featuring comfortable relaxation areas and a spacious garden with sun loungers, volleyball court and more — a perfect way to unwind after an informative day of your internship.


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided at the Try Medics house every weekday during a placement.

With years of experience catering for the program, our chefs have crafted a delicious meal plan that includes both traditional local dishes and familiar options like pizza, burgers, and more.

If you have specific dietary requirements or food allergies, our chefs will make every effort to accommodate them. They are experienced in accommodating lactose and gluten allergies, as well as vegetarian dietary preferences. Please inform us in the 'remarks' section when applying if you have any dietary requirements.

At the Try Medics house, there is a weekly food schedule in place, ensuring that you and your fellow participants always know what to anticipate during the week.

Spare time activities

While your main focus is gaining medical experience, we also want you to enjoy the nature, culture, and opportunities at your destination during free time. Using our local expertise, we've crafted a spare time activity program for you and your fellow participants. These activities, scheduled for afternoons and weekends, provide memorable experiences alongside your medical learning.

Detailed information about the spare time activities included in a placement in Uganda can be found here, and for Zanzibar, you can find the details here.

Support Team

Upon arrival at each destination, a dedicated Try Medics team awaits, guaranteeing a secure and well-organized stay. This team remains with you throughout your placement, allowing you to concentrate fully on your learning and experiences.

The team comprises a Program Manager who oversees your daily experience and well-being, ensuring proper introduction to the internship site and keeping participants informed about various activities during the placement.

Alongside the Program Manager, the team includes an Activity Coordinator, Chefs, Drivers, Housekeeping, among others.

Our priority is to ensure you feel secure and supported throughout the entire process.


Uganda or Zanzibar

USD 3500

Price covers a 4-week placement

Additional weeks: USD 700 per extra week

Hospital Internship
Preparation Guide
Spare time activities
Framework of support

Hvad er inkluderet ?


Hele hospitalspraktikken er dækket af prisen.

Dette inkluderer du vil følge hospitalspersonale der vil lære fra sig og fungerer som din mentor i deres daglige arbejde på hospitalet. Praktikken forløber fra mandag til fredag. Afhængigt af dit valg af praktikprogram og afdelingspræferencer ved tilmelding, vil du skifte afdeling fra uge til uge, så du får et bredt indblik arbejdet. Udover praktikken på afdelingerne, vil der en gang om ugen blive afholdt en undervisningslektion med formål at fremme din viden omkring relevante sygdomme og procedure på hospitalet.


Vi forbereder dig bedst muligt til din rejse.

Vi har sammenstykket en forberedelsesguide der indeholder information om flyrejse, rejseforsikring, visa, pakkeliste og mere. Yderligere vil vi sørge for at korrespondere med dig for at sikre at alt er på plads før afrejse.

Samtidig samler vi alle, der har tilmeldt sig den samme opholdsstart i en Facebook gruppe, så I kan se og snakke med hinanden før afrejsen. I gruppen kommer vi med opfordring til valg af flyrute, vi anbefaler alle at booke, så I trygt kan følges ad på flyrejsen. Gruppen benytter vi yderligere til andre fællesinformationer før opholdsstarten.

Du vil derfor være så godt forberedt som muligt til opholdet og vil altid kunne kontakte os, hvis du skulle have nogle spørgsmål.


Vi står for transporten under opholdet samt når du skal til og fra lufthavnen.

Når du lander i Entebbe lufthavn i Uganda, vil du blive modtaget af os og sikkert kørt til Try Medics huset, hvor du vil bo sammen med resten af dit hold. Du skal lande på dagen for din valgte opholdsstart, et vilkårligt tidspunkt mellem 00-18. Hjemrejsen skal være om lørdagen i din sidste uge, et selvvagt tidspunkt. Vi sørge for du er ved lufthavnen 2,5 time før din hjemrejse.


Du vil komme til at bo sammen med alle dine medrejsende i Try Medics huset i Uganda.

Huset har en stor have, fede afslapningssteder og masser af plads til at hygge med dine medrejsende, læse eller sole i haven efter en lærerig dag på hospitalet. Alle værelser har eget toilet samt myggenet på sengene. Yderligere er der wifi i huset, så du kan holde kontakten med dem derhjemme. I huset bor man mellem 2-4 på værelse sammen. Vi oplever der bliver skabt et stærkt fællesskab blandt rejsende og glæde ved at bo sammen med andre unge, der har fælles interesse i det sundhedsfaglige felt. Det er derfor sikkert at tage på opholdet alene.

Huset er udelukkende for jer som er afsted.


Vores dedikeret kokke team i Uganda byder op til hjemlige og lokale retter. De vil stå for morgenmad, frokost og aftensmad ved Try Medics huset alle hverdage under forløbet.

Kokkene har god erfaring med at tage hensyn til madallergi såsom gluten eller laktose. De kan også tage hensyn til kost præferencer, hvis man f.eks. er vegetar.

I Try Medics huset, er der et ugentligt madskema, så du og dine medrejsende løbende kan følge med i hvad I kan se frem til under dagene


Rundt om din praktik på hospitalet vil der være rig mulighed for at opleve Ugandas fascinerende natur og kultur. Fra vores mange års erfaring i Uganda og lokale kendskab, har vi sammenstrikket et aktivitetsprogram, så du udover den sundhedsfaglige læring fra praktikken også vil få en på opleveren i fritiden.

Inkluderet i dit ophold er bla. en weekend safari, så du kan opleve Ugandas rige dyreliv og møde de dyr du så i løvernes konge som barn i deres naturlige omgivelser. Heriblandt zebraer, giraffer, elefanter, gnuer og mere. 

Du har også mulighed for at tilvælge en forlænget weekendtur til floden nilen (The White Nile), hvor du vil få mulighed for at bungee jumpe, riverrafte, køre på firehjulet motorcykel, ride på hest m.m. Oftest tager alle rejsende på turen.

Du kan læse mere om hvilke fritidsaktiviteter, der er inkluderet i opholdet samt hvilke der er mulige at tilvælge til forløbet her


Så snart du ankommer til Uganda vil du blive mødt af vores dedikerede team på destinationen, som sikrer ophold forløber under trygge og strukturede rammer. Et team som er tilstede under hele opholdet og som skaber betingelserne for du fuldt kan fokusere på din læring og oplevelser mens du er afsted.

Teamet består af program manager, som dagligt vil følge op på din oplevelse samt ve og vel, sikre du bliver ordentligt introduceret til praktikstedet og overordnet sørge for du og resten af i dit hold, altid er godt informeret før de forskellige aktiviteteter under opholdet. Udover program manageren, består teamet af aktivitets koordinator, kokke, chauffører der tager jer til og fra praktikstedet og på de forskellige fritidsaktiviteter, husholdning m.m.

Vi vægter, at du skal kunne føle dig i trygge hænder under hele forløbet.

What is included?

Read more


The total cost of the hospital internship is covered in the price

This involves shadowing hospital staff who will both teach and serve as your mentor during their daily duties at the hospital.

The internship runs from Monday to Friday.

Depending on your chosen internship program upon applying, you will rotate through different departments each week of your placement, providing you with a broad overview of what work within the field you are pursuing can entail.

In addition to the internship, a weekly afternoon teaching session is conducted to enhance your understanding of common diseases and procedures at the hospital.

Preparation Guide

We provide comprehensive guidance for all the necessary preparations for your journey.

Upon enrollment, you'll receive a preparation guide with details on flights, travel insurance, visa, packing lists, and more. We'll also communicate with you to ensure everything is in order before departure.

At the same time, you'll receive an invitation to a Facebook group dedicated to your chosen placement period, allowing you to connect and communicate with other participants in your placement. The group also acts as a platform for us to share additional information.

Approximately a month before your placement starts, we will invite everyone to a pre-placement online meeting to address any remaining questions before departure.


Upon landing at the airport for your chosen destination, you will be welcomed by us and safely driven to the Try Medics house, where you will stay with the rest of your group.

Throughout the days of your stay, our dedicated drivers will handle daily transportation to and from the internship site, as well as for the various scheduled spare time activities.


You will reside in the Try Medics' house at your selected destination with the rest of the participants who have chosen the same placement period as you.

Typically, participants in our program are aged between 18-24 coming from various countries around the world. We find that a strong bond quickly forms among participants, enjoying the experience of living with other young individuals with a common interest in the field of healthcare.

Commonly each placement consists of 16-25 participants.

Our houses offer excellent facilities for you and fellow participants, featuring comfortable relaxation areas and a spacious garden with sun loungers, volleyball court and more — a perfect way to unwind after an informative day of your internship.


Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided at the Try Medics house every weekday during a placement.

With years of experience catering for the program, our chefs have crafted a delicious meal plan that includes both traditional local dishes and familiar options like pizza, burgers, and more.

If you have specific dietary requirements or food allergies, our chefs will make every effort to accommodate them. They are experienced in accommodating lactose and gluten allergies, as well as vegetarian dietary preferences. Please inform us in the 'remarks' section when applying if you have any dietary requirements.

At the Try Medics house, there is a weekly food schedule in place, ensuring that you and your fellow participants always know what to anticipate during the week.

Spare time activities

While your main focus is gaining medical experience, we also want you to enjoy the nature, culture, and opportunities at your destination during free time. Using our local expertise, we've crafted a spare time activity program for you and your fellow participants. These activities, scheduled for afternoons and weekends, provide memorable experiences alongside your medical learning.

Detailed information about the spare time activities included in a placement in Uganda can be found here, and for Zanzibar, you can find the details here.

Support Team

Upon arrival at each destination, a dedicated Try Medics team awaits, guaranteeing a secure and well-organized stay. This team remains with you throughout your placement, allowing you to concentrate fully on your learning and experiences.

The team comprises a Program Manager who oversees your daily experience and well-being, ensuring proper introduction to the internship site and keeping participants informed about various activities during the placement.

Alongside the Program Manager, the team includes an Activity Coordinator, Chefs, Drivers, Housekeeping, among others.

Our priority is to ensure you feel secure and supported throughout the entire process.

What is not included?



You are responsible for purchasing your airline ticket to and from your chosen destination.

Arrive at your destination on the Sunday corresponding to your chosen placement start date, anytime between 00-18 (12 AM - 6 PM). Schedule your return flight for the Saturday of your last week, at your preferred time.

We'll be at the airport to welcome you upon arrival and will arrange transportation from the Try Medics house to the airport on departure, ensuring you reach the airport 2.5 hours before your outbound flight.

For stays in Uganda, fly to Entebbe International Airport. For stays in Zanzibar, fly to Zanzibar Airport (Abeid Amani Karume International Airport).

Travel Insurance

Before your departure, it is essential that you arrange a suitable travel insurance that covers the duration of your stay.

The most important aspect of travel insurance is to be covered in case of serious illness and/or injury where emergency treatment and/or relocation to better facilities are required. It can cost a lot of money, and if you do not have travel insurance, you may not receive the treatment you need.

Travel Vaccinations

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before departure.

The recommended vaccinations and preventive medications for your trip may vary based on your individual circumstances and medical history. What is suitable for one traveler might differ for another.

Given this variability, it is crucial to discuss your upcoming internship at a hospital with your doctor. We suggest consulting with your doctor at least two months before your start date to allow sufficient time for vaccinations to take effect.

If you have previously traveled to a tropical area, you may already have some of the recommended vaccinations for the placment.

Commonly recommended vaccinations to former participants on our program include Diphtheria-tetanus, Hepatitis A & B, Yellow fever, and taking malaria prophylaxis pills during the placement. Additionally, vaccination against Meningitis is often recommended for stays in Uganda.


Zanzibar and Uganda's laws require you to have an entry visa to stay and intern at a hospital in the country. The visa fee is USD 50.

As part of the preparation for your placement, we will ensure to send you a step-by-step guide along with the necessary documents for applying for a visa online. The procedure is straightforward, and usually, visas are approved within 14 days after applying.

Pocket Money

You will need pocket money during your stay, especially if you want to shop or participate in extra activities beyond those included in the placement.

Please note that in both destinations, there is limited opportunity to pay with cards at souvenir markets and local shops. Most transactions are done in cash in the local currency. It's easiest to use ATMs at the destination to get pocket money in cash. We recommend informing your bank about your travel to ensure that your card can be used at the destination.

As a rule of thumb, we recommend budgeting USD 100 - 150 per week as pocket money during your placement. It's important to note that this is just an estimate, and your actual pocket money spending depends on your personal choices during the trip.

Workwear for your internship

If you lack the necessary workwear for the hospital internship, you have the option to rent it through us when applying.

Our hospital workwear package ensures that you are appropriately attired for the internship. The package costs 60 USD and includes 2 white coats, 2 sets of blue scrubs, and weekly dry cleaning of the clothes throughout the program.

The workwear will be provided after your arrival at your chosen destination, eliminating the need to allocate space for it in your suitcase.

When renting workwear, it is essential to return all items to Try Medics' Program Manager after completing your placement.

Regarding footwear at the hospital, the only requirement is that shoes are closed. Running shoes, sneakers, or other closed shoes are acceptable.

What is not included?


You are responsible for purchasing your airline ticket to and from your chosen destination.

Arrive at your destination on the Sunday corresponding to your chosen placement start date, anytime between 00-18 (12 AM - 6 PM). Schedule your return flight for the Saturday of your last week, at your preferred time.

We'll be at the airport to welcome you upon arrival and will arrange transportation from the Try Medics house to the airport on departure, ensuring you reach the airport 2.5 hours before your outbound flight.

For stays in Uganda, fly to Entebbe International Airport. For stays in Zanzibar, fly to Zanzibar Airport (Abeid Amani Karume International Airport).

Travel Insurance

Before your departure, it is essential that you arrange a suitable travel insurance that covers the duration of your stay.

The most important aspect of travel insurance is to be covered in case of serious illness and/or injury where emergency treatment and/or relocation to better facilities are required. It can cost a lot of money, and if you do not have travel insurance, you may not receive the treatment you need.

Travel Vaccinations

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before departure.

The recommended vaccinations and preventive medications for your trip may vary based on your individual circumstances and medical history. What is suitable for one traveler might differ for another.

Given this variability, it is crucial to discuss your upcoming internship at a hospital with your doctor. We suggest consulting with your doctor at least two months before your start date to allow sufficient time for vaccinations to take effect.

If you have previously traveled to a tropical area, you may already have some of the recommended vaccinations for the placment.

Commonly recommended vaccinations to former participants on our program include Diphtheria-tetanus, Hepatitis A & B, Yellow fever, and taking malaria prophylaxis pills during the placement. Additionally, vaccination against Meningitis is often recommended for stays in Uganda.


Zanzibar and Uganda's laws require you to have an entry visa to stay and intern at a hospital in the country. The visa fee is USD 50.

As part of the preparation for your placement, we will ensure to send you a step-by-step guide along with the necessary documents for applying for a visa online. The procedure is straightforward, and usually, visas are approved within 14 days after applying.

Pocket Money

You will need pocket money during your stay, especially if you want to shop or participate in extra activities beyond those included in the placement.

Please note that in both destinations, there is limited opportunity to pay with cards at souvenir markets and local shops. Most transactions are done in cash in the local currency. It's easiest to use ATMs at the destination to get pocket money in cash. We recommend informing your bank about your travel to ensure that your card can be used at the destination.

As a rule of thumb, we recommend budgeting USD 100 - 150 per week as pocket money during your placement. It's important to note that this is just an estimate, and your actual pocket money spending depends on your personal choices during the trip.

Workwear for your internship

If you lack the necessary workwear for the hospital internship, you have the option to rent it through us when applying.

Our hospital workwear package ensures that you are appropriately attired for the internship. The package costs 60 USD and includes 2 white coats, 2 sets of blue scrubs, and weekly dry cleaning of the clothes throughout the program.

The workwear will be provided after your arrival at your chosen destination, eliminating the need to allocate space for it in your suitcase.

When renting workwear, it is essential to return all items to Try Medics' Program Manager after completing your placement.

Regarding footwear at the hospital, the only requirement is that shoes are closed. Running shoes, sneakers, or other closed shoes are acceptable.

Want to know more?

Learn more about Uganda as destination

Learn more about Zanzibar as destination

Apply now and look forward to get unique firsthand exposure within the field of healthcare

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